The Second Asia Pacific International Conference of Positive Behaviour Support

12th January 2019 (Saturday)

Sponsored by: Association for Positive Behavior Support
he Second Asia Pacific International Conference of Positive Behaviour Support 12th January 2019 (Saturday)

Online registration for the 2nd Asia Pacific International Conference of Positive Behaviour Support

12th January 2019 (Saturday) at the Taipo Campus, The Education University of Hong Kong is now open! When you're ready to register, please visit the registration page. Early Bird Registration will be open through Monday, Nov 30th, 2018.

Special Welcome from Prof. Kenneth Sin

On behalf of Centre for Special Educational Needs and Inclusive Education (CSENIE) of the Education University of Hong Kong, I am pleased to have you at our university for the 2nd Asia Pacific International Conference of Positive Behaviour Support. Welcome! CSENIE’s mission is to support schools, parents and teachers to develop inclusive schooling so that all children have an equal access to high quality education. We hope that we can all work together to make our mission come true.

我代表香港教育大學特殊學習需要與融合教育中心,歡迎大家來到教育大學參加第 2 屆亞太區正向行為支援研討會。我們的特殊學習需要與融合教育中心的使命是透過教育專業支援學校教師,與家長建立夥伴關係,讓所有兒童均獲全面照顧的優質學校教育的機會。希望透過我們的共同努力,使我們的使命成真。

Prof. Sin is the Professor in the Department of Special Education and Counselling. He is with over 29 years in teacher education in special educational needs and inclusion. Over the years, he was awarded with the Distinguished Teacher Award in 2010, President’s Awards for Outstanding Performance in Knowledge Transfer in 2017 and President’s Awards for Outstanding Performance in Teaching in 2018.

Welcome to the Conference from Dianna Yip, M.Ed., BCBA

Founder & Director of PBSA.Asia

Welcome to the 2nd Asia Pacific International Conference of Positive Behaviour Support in Hong Kong! This is actually the first PBS conference held in Hong Kong and we are very excited to have you with us. The 1st Asia Pacific International Conference of Positive Behaviour Support was held in Taiwan by Dr. Hung and it was a big success. We have some big shoes to fill!

We are very honoured to have the president of APBS, Dr. Rose Iovannone, as our keynote speaker. We are also very lucky to have Dr. Hu and Dr. Hung, the leaders in the field in Mainland China and Taiwan respectively, and other experienced professionals and teachers to share their work with us. We hope PBSA.Asia can provide a platform for continuous exchange of ideas in promoting PBS in Asia and this conference will be a great way to begin our conversation.

As you all may know, planning a conference is no easy job. We hope to take this chance to thank the staff members of Centre of Special Educational Needs & Inclusive Education of EdUHK and our volunteers recruited by Distinctive Learning Society to make today possible. Last but not the least, thank you all for coming and we hope you have a great conference.

歡迎參加第二屆亞太區正向行為支援研討會!今次是香港第一次舉辦正向行為支援研討會,我們很高興有您的參與。第一屆亞太區正向行為支援研討會由洪博士主持在台灣舉行,非常成功,我們確實感到壓力!跟隨洪博士的榜樣,我們必須努力做到最好。今次我們非常榮幸能邀請 APBS 主席 Dr. Rose Iovannon 作為主講嘉賓,還非常幸運地有來自北京的胡博士和來自台灣的洪博士,以及其他經驗豐富的專業人士和老師來與我們分享他們的工作和研究。我們希望亞洲正向行為支援學院能夠提供一個在亞洲推廣正向行為支援的平台,這次研討會是速進我們交流的好開始。


Message From PAUL WONG

Co-Founders & Director of PBSA.Asia , Founder of Distinctive Learning Society

PBSA.Asia was established in the summer of 2017. Prior to its establishment, we have formed an action group (HK-PBS network, which is a network under the Association for Positive Behaviour Support (APBS)) that focused on promoting positive behaviour support (PBS) in Hong Kong and nearby regions since 2013. After years of hard work, PBSA.Asia is established to further our mission. We will continue to promote the use of PBS at school, at home and in the community and to build a collaborative community to support individuals with challenging behaviours and special needs.

亞洲正向行為支援學院於 2017年成立。在成立之前,我們於 2013 年組建了一個行動小組(HK-PBS 網絡 - 附屬於美國正向行為支援協會(APBS)),致力推進正向行為支援(PBS)在香港和鄰近地區的發展。經過多年的努力, 亞洲正向行為支援學院正式成立,以進一步推動我們的使命。我們將繼續推廣 PBS 在學校、家庭和社區的使用,並希望建立一個協作社區,以支持有特殊需要和挑戰性行為的人士。

Paul as the founder of Distinctive Learning Society, promoting positive behaviour support for children with special educational needs (SEN) and inclusive education. His main interests include Assistive & Learning Technology Support, Positive Behaviour Support Advocacy and Volunteer Service Development . He currently takes a lead role in developing STEM training programme to promote PBS practice when supporting children with challenging behaviour.

He is also a pioneer in volunteer service for SEN community , the society has contributed in total over 40,000 hours volunteer services from 2009 to 2017, and was presented with the Gold Award for Volunteer Service for 9 years running by the Social Welfare Department of Hong Kong SAR.